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The future of subsea cable expertise: Nurturing the next generation

Tuesday 14th May 2024 | Blog written by Chloe Morris, OIQ Permitting Manager

The future of subsea cable expertise: Nurturing the next generation

In an era characterised by swift technological progress and digital interconnectivity, it is paramount to involve and empower the upcoming cohort of young professionals in shaping the trajectory of our industry. This endeavour is not only crucial for the overall expansion of knowledge and expertise within our sector but also timely, given the pending retirement of seasoned industry experts.

Responding to this imperative, the European Subsea Cable Association (ESCA) has initiated the Next Generation program. This initiative serves as the primary focus within ESCA for conceiving and implementing innovative strategies to enhance recruitment, retention, and development while inspiring early-career professionals in the subsea cable industry, the Next Generation Working Group (NGWG) is poised to lead the charge.

I’m delighted to have been given the chance to play an active role in leading this initiative. As part of this endeavour, I presented a Proposal for setting up the Next Generation Working Group (NGWG) during the recent ESCA Plenary in March 2024.  Subsequently, the level of engagement and support for this initiative has been excellent.

As a result of this, I’ve since established the Terms of Reference for the newly formed NGWG and we held our first meeting last month. The group has attracted over 35 delegates all sharing the same enthusiasm for recruiting and developing the next generation. Collectively, members of NGWG are working on innovative ways to address the Group’s objectives ahead of our second meeting.

Envisaged as a dynamic platform within ESCA, the Next Generation Working Group is committed to nurturing talent, fostering mentorship, and propelling innovation among young professionals in the subsea cables industry.  By harnessing the energy, talent, creativity and fresh perspectives of emerging individuals, this subgroup endeavours to enrich the industry landscape and ensure its enduring viability.

Through an array of initiatives encompassing networking events, skills enhancement workshops, and educational seminars, the NGWG aims to provide a supportive environment for future industry frontrunners to connect, learn and grow. By facilitating the exchange of knowledge and fostering collaboration across generations, the NGWG seeks to bridge the divide between seasoned veterans and burgeoning talent, fostering a vibrant community of practice within ESCA.

The first networking event for the NGWG is scheduled later this month, facilitated by Total Telecom through the Submarine Networks EMEA.  This is an incredible opportunity which really highlights the efforts of ESCA to support a collaborative approach to developing early career professionals within the industry.

Membership in the Working Group meetings will be limited to typically 1-2 delegates per member company, as determined by the ESCA Executive Committee and elected in a manner akin to that for Sub-Group formation, as delineated within the ESCA constitution.

NGWG organised events are open to all member companies meeting the below qualifying criteria:

1. Below 30 years of age


2. New to the subsea cables industry within 2 years.

The terms of membership will be periodically reviewed to ensure alignment with the group’s objectives.

If you would like to learn more about ESCA’s – Next Generation Working Group or to actively participate in this initiative, we’d love to hear from you.

Please contact Chloe Morris for more information.

Author: Chloe Morris

Chloe Morris

OIQ Permitting Manager