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Navigating the complex and varying permitting requirements for projects worldwide

OceanIQ’s® experienced permitting department is responsible for obtaining and assisting with all consents, licences, permits or other permissions for both fibre optic and power cable industries, oil and gas exploration, scientific research and other marine activities.

Such permits are subject to an array of legislative requirements, particular to each country, which can be complicated by international, national and local legislation.

Understanding and pre-empting permit obligations

OceanIQ’s® permitting service can be tailored to specific needs, from provision of permitting input for desktop and cable route studies which outline requirements, identify contacts and summarise initial steps, to supporting the client in obtaining necessary permits, to managing the entire permitting scope for a marine project.

We hold a live database of all coastal nation’s permitting requirements and specific legislation which is managed and updated constantly enabling us to keep customers well informed from the start of a project to the end.

Our team can carry out permitting feasibility studies to investigate requirements and legislation in more difficult areas of the world and provide an accurate idea of any issues that may arise in those regions, allowing a new cable project to proceed with confidence.

Experience right across the globe for all types of marine activity

  • Full system permitting management service.
  • Support to clients who wish to get their own permits, advising on timelines and the details of submissions to authorities.
  • Obtaining cable maintenance permits under consortiums such as ACMA, SEAIOCMA, NAZ and private zone agreements as well as other emergency cable maintenance permits.
  • Other subsea activities including marine survey, ordnance disposal, rock dumping and mattressing.


Take a look at our other Cable Route Planning Services

Our Latest OceanIQ and Global Marine Group News

Determining reliable cable ampacities for marine high voltage cables.
Posted: 11/03/2025

Determining reliable cable ampacities for marine high voltage cables.

Determining reliable cable ampacities for marine High Voltage Cables is currently the subject of significant industry and academic reassessment in order to optimise the operation (ampacity), design (cross-sectional area) and subsequent efficiency, longevity, CAPEX and profitability of both submarine power cables and their dependencies (Enescu et...