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Darwin – Bayu Undan, Timor Sea

Cable Feasibility Study

The Project

A cable feasibility study for a submarine telecommunications cable linking Darwin to the Bayu Undan offshore platform in the Timor Sea. The study researched all the geohazards, human hazards, constraints and influences over the routing of an international fibre optic submarine communication cable. The research included site visits to numerous landing point options to assess their suitability, engineering requirements and engagement with the various local stakeholders.

Stakeholder meetings were held with local marine industry representatives, national government organisations and existing national marine stakeholder groups in Australia to determine project permitting requirements and local marine activities. The study provided a route position list (RPL), straight line diagram (SLD), and information on the quantities and types of cable required to complete the project, a route suitable for a marine survey and information on the specific marine survey, cable installation and cable maintenance requirements for a cable in this region.

The study also provided a full description and listing of various network configurations, transmission specifications and budgetary costs for all aspects of the project (terminal, cable and plant, survey, installation, maintenance). A full plan of work for project scheduling was provided.

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Determining reliable cable ampacities for marine high voltage cables.
Posted: 11/03/2025

Determining reliable cable ampacities for marine high voltage cables.

Determining reliable cable ampacities for marine High Voltage Cables is currently the subject of significant industry and academic reassessment in order to optimise the operation (ampacity), design (cross-sectional area) and subsequent efficiency, longevity, CAPEX and profitability of both submarine power cables and their dependencies (Enescu et...