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Cable Route Engineering

OceanIQ’s® route engineering department draws upon decades of installation and maintenance experience with the latest cable routing software to provide proven route engineering solutions including desktop studies, cable fault analysis and cable protection assessments.

The OceanIQ® difference

OceanIQ’s® route engineering department draws upon decades of installation and maintenance experience, deploying the latest cable routing software to provide proven route engineering solutions, including desktop studies, cable fault analysis and cable protection assessments.

When planning for a future cable system, the importance of the preparatory work cannot be underestimated. OceanIQ’s team of experienced route engineers apply decades of knowledge and combine this with the installation and maintenance experience of the wider Global Marine Group, as well as accessing the wealth of data within the organisation, including the GeoCable® database of 3 million km of submarine cable, which includes in-service and out-of-service cables. This brings a unique set of skills and insight to any submarine cable project which is reflected in our track record of delivery of diverse projects around the globe.

Whilst initial planning is key, that doesn’t always prevent remedial activities during the lifetime of a subsea cable system. The team is well versed in supporting projects throughout a system’s lifecycle, in order to assess potential issues and make recommendations that enhance overall performance and improve the lifespan of a system.

Desktop Study

An essential exercise, with the desk-based report forming the foundation for a successful submarine cable system. It includes an assessment of both human and geographical issues.  In addition to Desk Top Studies, the team is also able undertake site visits to ensure additional accuracy.

Cable Protection Assessment

Utilising our 6,000 strong global cable fault database the team can provide a detailed assessment, explaining the likely rationale for repeated faults in a certain geographic area, they are then able to make recommendations to mitigate future occurrences.

Landing Point Assessment

Looking at a much smaller location, this report focuses on an assessment of the nearshore around a preferred landing, trying to minimise conflict with other seabed users and identify the optimum landing location.  Again, on-site visits can form part of the assessment, as required.

Geotechnical studies

The team undertakes a range of studies including burial assessments, cable burial risk assessments, and on-bottom stability, all overlaid with our in-house and in-field operational experience in order to optimise route engineering and ensuring customers fully understand the geology, and the resulting geotechnical implications.

Charting Services

Our GIS specialists provide customers with access to accurately mapped cable routes which provide essential information to other seabed users and mitigate against potential damage to a customer’s system.

Bespoke Route Engineering Services

The team is frequently asked to share their knowledge during one-off projects, which can include anything and everything such as: the analysis of how offshore wind impacts fishing activities, how multiple industries can work alongside each other, forensic reviews of live projects, assessment of cable risks post-installation, as well as a myriad of other studies.

If you would like to discuss a potential project with one of OceanIQ’s experts, we’ll be delighted to help.


Take a look at our other Cable Route Planning Services

Our Latest OceanIQ and Global Marine Group News

Determining reliable cable ampacities for marine high voltage cables.
Posted: 11/03/2025

Determining reliable cable ampacities for marine high voltage cables.

Determining reliable cable ampacities for marine High Voltage Cables is currently the subject of significant industry and academic reassessment in order to optimise the operation (ampacity), design (cross-sectional area) and subsequent efficiency, longevity, CAPEX and profitability of both submarine power cables and their dependencies (Enescu et...